Consulting firm moving sideways to innovations in investigations

Esom Global Women Investigators, LLC is a consulting firm that offers global investigations in fraud, corruption, ethics and misconduct cases including sexual harassment, with a substantial focus on preventative, advisory and training services.

Our Mission Statement

To provide unique services from the perspective of women investigators and in innovative ways that reflect our passion and objectives.

Our Philosophy and Values

Integrity, confidentiality, inclusivity, and consistency are the hallmarks of our top-notch services.

Our Goal

To promote the global increase of women investigators dedicated to working on corruption and sexual abuse.

Our Vision

To encourage more women to take to the career path of becoming investigators, taking the mantle of leadership and bringing louder voices in addressing matters of corruption and sexual abuse.

Our Commitment

We utilize our firsthand experiences in providing specific, tailored and lasting solutions to each of our client's needs and stick with them all the way down.
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